Monday, July 20, 2009

My New Love

On Saturday I went to see the new Harry Potter film, which was good, but not great. As a fan of the books, it didn't feel complete. I can't really fault the director though, because a book that long just can't fit into a couple of hours. It was a pretty good movie though and I'm really glad that they're splitting the last film into two parts. There's too much story in the last book, I don't feel that much could be cut out or the film just wouldn't make much sense.

The truly magnificent part of my movie experience was not the film though. It was the seat. Oh. Wow. We decided to splurge and went to the fancy cinemas. Aside from the added bonus of endless free popcorn and soft drink, there was The Seat. I could have slept in it. I wanted to shove it under my shirt and smuggle it home. The regular movies will never be enough for me anymore. I have been ruined. How can I go back to normal seats when I have experienced a recliner the size of India?

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