Monday, August 24, 2009

The Escapees

Yesterday we discovered why the dogs take so long to come when called- they are escaping our yard through a gap in the fence the size of a small car and frolicking in the neighbour's yard. In fairness, the neighbour doesn't seem too miffed about the whole thing. Although this does explain why he has been busy fixing his fence the last few weeks. Why he didn't just fix the hole that they got in through I could not tell you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm Alive!!

You can all breathe a sigh of relief. My leg is fine and I will be back to harassing and annoying the life out of you tomorrow like always. I'm sure my loyal munchkins are all overjoyed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am such a slacker, I forgot to post this week. Sorry, I am a terrible, terrible example.

Feel free to chastise me in the comments. Or go to and just look up what chastise means.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lamest Show Ever?

I just read a review of a new show called Dance Your Ass Off where a group of overweight people gyrate like hyped up lemurs on national television in a bid to lose weight. You can find the link here.

Is this the worst idea for a television program ever? Have you seen a worse show? Can you make up more ridiculous show? Let me know...

My Own Personal Hell

So I just finished writing up the Task Sheet for this blogging assignment. You lot better be grateful I tell you.

Writing assignments would classify as my least favourite part of teaching. I can handle the marking. I can handle the staff meetings. I can even handle the kids who seem to have chugged two bottles of lime cordial just before entering the classroom. It's the assignments that break me, after all, not only do I have to write clearly so that you can understand it, but I also have to PICK A FONT. The pressure. Honestly, I cannot make these sort of decisions on my own, there's just too much at stake.

Monday, July 20, 2009

My New Love

On Saturday I went to see the new Harry Potter film, which was good, but not great. As a fan of the books, it didn't feel complete. I can't really fault the director though, because a book that long just can't fit into a couple of hours. It was a pretty good movie though and I'm really glad that they're splitting the last film into two parts. There's too much story in the last book, I don't feel that much could be cut out or the film just wouldn't make much sense.

The truly magnificent part of my movie experience was not the film though. It was the seat. Oh. Wow. We decided to splurge and went to the fancy cinemas. Aside from the added bonus of endless free popcorn and soft drink, there was The Seat. I could have slept in it. I wanted to shove it under my shirt and smuggle it home. The regular movies will never be enough for me anymore. I have been ruined. How can I go back to normal seats when I have experienced a recliner the size of India?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Inaugural Posting of Goodness

Welcome one and all to my new specially designed, custom-made blog. Hot off the presses just for your reading pleasure. Feel free to laugh, comment or simply point and stare with your mouth agape.

I'll be leaving comments open on all posts on the condition that you all play nice. Any nasty shenanigans and comments will be closed. Enjoy my minions.